Well I think the professors preferred that I don't leave the trip on terms of being too intense from Berlin, and so for the past few days all we have been doing is enjoying the lovely scenery and eating lots of gelato ice cream in Prague and Austria.
The past two places we have stayed at were the cutest darling little places I have stayed at.
In Prague, we stayed at Casa de Italia (yes Italy in Prague, though we will be staying in Italy as well, but that is okay). I think you could say it was a hostel, but the finest hostel you could imagine. Each room had its own personality with a little kitchen area. My room had a kitchen, with a love seat, a loft with another couch and an antique sewing machine, a bathroom that had a tiny shower with a sink in it and then another shower spout in the bathroom with below my knees next to the toilet. We did not take two showers at once. Our bedroom area had another loft with a double bed, and then a bunk bed. Under the loft was another couch. Everything was made out of wood and it just so cute! I loved it all. It was also a great atmosphere for girl talk as my roommates Elisabeth and Kelsey had a good debriefing time with Berlin, and then had a fun time eating snacks with the rest of the girls....while all the boys could hear us talking from across the courtyard.
The day we arrived in Prague we toured the city for about 7 hours with Gabriel. He of course expressed all the history he could possibly fit in, but as he said the history isn't too extensive because it actually is a rather new country. It was a beautiful city. Jason, Jimmy, Chris, Dash, Sarah, and Stephany had dinner at the Cafe de Louve. A nice but reasonable price french restaurant where we had a range of salmon and rabbit.
After walking around some good shops, we all ended up on the Charle's Bridge during sunset where the castle is in sight and all lit up. Very romantic, if you were looking for that type of thing.
However, around Prague were beggars, but they would be on their knees bending over with head down and arms over their head while holding out a hat. It was the saddest sight that would just stab your heart more than anything.
The next day we left for another city in Prague called Cesky Krumlov, which Gabriel claims is the most Romantic city in Europe. Very beautiful and light hearted. I spent most of the day with Sarah, Elisabeth, Beka and Stephany exploring the castle and skipping down the formal gardens. The pet bear at the castle was very fascinating, and we made sure we checked out all the antique stores in the area. We got lunch at this "collective hole in the wall" cafe (according to Elisabeth) with the dandiest objects and decorations. So cozy yet artsy. And great panini.
We then continued on our trip towards Austria!! A total of 5 hours of driving in our private coach bus. I remember waking up one time to this huge grayish, white cliffs across from a glassy smooth lake surrounded by green pastures and cute farm houses and lodges. It was so beautiful I almost teared up.
I may just be so bold to say that Austria is my favorite so far.
We have been staying in Halllstatt, Austria for these past two nights (this is the second night). We are staying in a building that is over 400 years old. And I love it! I am staying on the 3rd floor where every wooden floor creaks. I have a room all to myself, and not going to lie but it is great. I open my door with my skeleton key and these white lace curtains are blowing in the wind from my glass door that opens to my porch that over looks the glacier lake that is surrounded by mountains, with a white castle directly across from us. I fell asleep to the sound of rain. But that was after I sat outside on my porch journaling while the girls all piled onto Millie's and her daughter's (who joined us on the trip) bed and sang along while watching Sound of Music, to get us ready for the day we take our bike tour around the Vantramp property on Friday! I later joined them, how could I not! Early this morning Ryan and I went kayaking on the lake in the fog in the cold air. But oh, it was so worth it. Everything was still and we were the only ones making a ripple on the lake. Granted that the kayaks may not have been fully functional as it was impossible to paddle straight for more than 3 strokes. But that is okay. I then finished off the morning with a lovely
This afternoon we all rode this cart thing up the mountain to the oldest salt mine in the world. What a unique experience. The best part, as I am sure all would say, was sliding down the slides that take you to a lower level under the ground. The last slide was 65ft long and Prof. Afman and his wife (who also joined us) reached 34.7 km/hr.
After lunch John, Chris, Millie's daughter Amy, and I went hiking to this massive, powerful waterfall. It was magnificent. We walked through the local neighborhoods which were what you would picture old houses in the middle of mountain forests. Each house had at least 3 piles of stored fire wood. We passed by horses, and fields of flowers, and just beautiful scenery. On the way back we saw the weirdest looking sheep...maybe goats...but with long strangling tails, which started to head bump each other pretty hard.
In the mean time the rest of the group just relaxed by the lake kayaking, swimming (in the cold refreshing water), shopping in the cute stores, reading, or sleeping.
For dinner the whole group basically all ended up at the same resurant (1 out of 3 choices). The food may not be the greatest thing, but it doesn't need to be because they got Hallstatte Austria! Basically the most beautful place I have seen thus far.
Tomorrow we are off for Salzburg, Austria, where Sound of Music took place. Yes we are taking a bike ride around there and will be singing Do Re Me Fa So La Te Do without a doubt. We then will be leaving straight from there and traveling on an overnight train to Rome, Italy!
Do not be surprised if you do not hear from me in a long time. In bother Rome and Florance we will be staying at Convents. Then we are off to Switzerland in the Alps, and who knows what the internet situation is up there. But perhaps I will be able to find an internet cafe in the city before I shun out the world for the night.
But take joy all of you back in America staying intact with reality and takign care of the practical situations, for your loved ones who are just having a blast wondering around little bits of heaven for a month just spending (your) money, will be home in less than 2 weeks now. We have reached the half point and we have all made it alive thus far with no lost passports or any complications. Praise the Lord!
ReplyDeleteI love how we can see it all through your words--no pics necessary!
Thanks a mil,